Hello Tanner, Your blog is really cool. You did a great job on it. It is so fun to look at and see all the good things you are doing! I am your mom's aunt so that means I am your great aunt! Keep up the good work. You are awesome!
I am the 2nd kid in my family. I have an older brother, 3 younger sisters and a baby brother. Plus my Mom and dad. I am 9 years old. I like Dinosaurs, Motorcycles, Legos, swimming, mowing lawns, and my friends! My favorite food is German Pancakes. My favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream. My favorite colors are green and orange.
Hi Tanner! It is cool that you have your own blog! I am Karine, your mom's cousin. I bet your Aunt Sara helped you make this awesome blog! Good job!
Hello Tanner,
Your blog is really cool. You did a great job on it. It is so fun to look at and see all the good things you are doing! I am your mom's aunt so that means I am your great aunt! Keep up the good work. You are awesome!
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